دوره آموزشی جاوا اسکریپت

دوره آموزشی جاوا اسکریپت
تعداد فصل‌ها
8 فصل
مدت دوره
5 ساعت
تعداد جلسات
21 جلسه
تعداد فراگیر
97 نفر

توضیحات دوره

جلسات دوره

1) Introduction to JavaScript
19 دقیقه
Course Overview  1min
 Course Overview 1m
Introduction to JavaScript 13mins
 Introduction 2m
 Installing Development Software 2m
 Hello World Project from GitHub 5m
 Our Sample Website 4m
1) Introduction to JavaScript - page
1) exercise
این تمپلیت مربوط به پروژه بررسی شده در دوره آموزشی می‌باشد و برای صرفه جویی در وقت در ابتدای هر فصل می توانید از این تمپلیت استفاده کنید و موارد ذکر شده در دوره را بر روی این تمپلیت تکمیل کنید
1) Introduction to JavaScript - pdf
2) JavaScript Beginnings
30 دقیقه
 JavaScript Beginnings 23mins
 Introduction 2m
 Adding JavaScript Code to a Web Page 4m
 Working with JavaScript Files 6m
 Formatting Code 2m
 Detecting and Fixing Errors 3m
 Case Sensitivity 2m
 Commenting Code 2m
 Summary 2m
2) JavaScript Beginnings
2) JavaScript Beginnings -pdf
3) Variables and Constants
31 دقیقه
Variables and Constants 25mins
 Introduction 1m
 What Is a Variable? 2m
 Declaring Variables 3m
 Using let to Declare Variables 3m
 Naming Variables 3m
 Common Errors Using Variables 4m
 Changing Variable Values 2m
 Constants 3m
 The var Keyword 2m
 Summary 2m
4) Types and Operators
36 دقیقه
Types and Operators 35mins
 Introduction 2m
 Numbers 6m
 Operator Precedence 3m
 Number Precision 1m
 Negative Numbers 2m
 Strings 4m
 Manipulating Strings 5m
 Converting Strings and Numbers 3m
 Boolean Variables 2m
 null and undefined 2m
 Objects and Symbols 2m
 Summary 3m
4) Types and Operators
4) Types and Operators - pdf
5) program flow
42 دقیقه
Program Flow 33mins
 Introduction 2m
 Conditionals Using if() 4m
 Truthy and Falsy 4m
 if ... else 4m
 Comparing === and == 2m
 The Ternary Operator 3m
 Block Scope Using let 2m
 Looping with for() 6m
 Looping with while() 2m
 Looping with do ... while() 2m
 Summary 2m
5) program flow - page
5) program flow - pdf
6) functions
30 دقیقه
Functions 24mins
 Introduction 2m
 Function Basics 3m
 Function Expressions 3m
 Passing Information to Functions 3m
 Function Return Values 3m
 Function Scope 4m
 Using Functions to Modify Web Pages 4m
 Summary 2m
6) functions - page
6) functions - pdf
7) objects and the dom
46 دقیقه
Objects and the DOM   36mins
 Introduction 2m
 Object Properties 4m
 Object Methods 3m
 Passing Objects to Functions 3m
 Standard Built-in Objects 7m
 The Document Object Model (DOM) 3m
 Styling DOM Elements 3m
 Detecting Button Clicks 3m
 Showing and Hiding DOM Elements 5m
 Summary 3m
7) objects and the dom - page
7) objects and the dom - pdf
8) arrays
40 دقیقه
Arrays   31mins
 Introduction 1m
 Creating and Initializing Arrays 4m
 Accessing Array Items 2m
 Manipulating Arrays 4m
 slice() and splice() 6m
 Array Searching and Looping 8m
 Arrays in the DOM 4m
 Summary 2m


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